
Considering a new place of worship, moving to the Cookeville area, or going to church for the first time? We invite you to join us on Sunday morning! Below is some general information that might be helpful.

Traditional and Liturgical

Our worship services are traditional and liturgical, primarily organ music and hymns. Here we hope you'll find a steady liturgy for an unsteady world - an ancient faith for today's people. The heart of our Christian life is devotion to the Word of God and frequent reception of Holy Communion. At Heavenly Host, we come before the Lord of heaven and earth as repentant sinners seeking His grace and mercy. Thus, worship at Heavenly Host is joyful, yet reverent. We follow a printed service folder/bulletin that's easy to follow so there's no worries about getting lost in the service or knowing when it's time to stand or sit. We do not have a public "stand and introduce yourself" time in the service for visitors. But if you're new, expect people to notice and greet you.

Children in Church

We encourage children and kids to worship together with their families during worship services. We invite parents to guide their children throughout the service, helping them to learn the language of the faith. Point things out, explain what's going on. Please do not be embarrassed if your child(ren) make noise during the service. Kids make noises and get the wiggles! We are glad you are here!

As you enter the sanctuary, there is a display with "Busy Bags" activity bags for kids. Feel free to let your child pock one of these us use during worship. The ushers also have kids bulletins and coloring pages each week that go along with the Bible readings. Sitting near the front of the sanctuary during worship may help your young child to be able to pay closer attention (they will be able to see what's going on).

The Family Room/cry room located near the entrance to the sanctuary is available if parents would like a place to take their child to get the wiggles out, but still be able to see/hear/participate in the service. There are cushioned changing pads on the counters in both the men's and women's restrooms.

Children's Message

During the worship service, we have a special time when we invite kids and parents to come to the front for a brief children's message. We often read the gospel reading for the day from a picture Bible book. We conclude with a "repeat after me" prayer before dismissing everyone back to their seats and then continue on with the worship service.

Holy Communion

At Heavenly Host, we celebrate Holy Communion (also called the Lord's Supper or the Sacrament of the Altar) every Sunday. Here at Heavenly Host, we confess and declare that we joyfully receive Christ's Body and Blood, under bread and wine, for the forgiveness of our sins. As we celebrate the Sacrament, we also give public confession to our unity in the Christian faith (1 Cor. 10).

If you are a member of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod church and would like to receive Holy Communion, please introduce yourself to the pastor before the service. All others are invited to speak with the pastor about preparing for communion fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Those not communing are invited to come forward for a blessing during communion (simply cross your arms over your chest while at the altar rail).

We are aware that many other church bodies do not keep to this ancient Christian practice but please be assured that we do this not out of spiritual arrogance, but rather in a sincere desire to be faithful to our Lord’s command and the apostles’ teaching.


Our normal worship schedule is two services on Sunday mornings 8:00 am and 10:30 am with Holy Communion at both services. Several times a year we have one combined service on Sunday, to bring everyone together. We also offer evening services on Wednesdays during the season of Advent (weeks leading up to Christmas) and Lent (leading up to Easter). Please see the church calendar for our current worship schedule.