Circuit Visitor

Rev. David McMinn

We are currently in a pastoral vacancy. Our congregation is in the process of calling a new pastor. See the printed and emailed weekly church newsletter for updates from the Call Committee. Rev. David McMinn is our Circuit Visitor and is overseeing our vacancy (scheduling pastors to preach during this time, etc.). He is on-site Tuesday mornings.

Administrative Assistant

Holly Zywica

Holly is the administrative assistant who works in the church office at Heavenly Host Lutheran Church. She has been a resident of Cookeville, Tennessee for 20 years prior to her position with us. She is also a mother of three grown children and has three grandchildren.

Holly has lived all over the mid-west from Michigan to south Florida. Living in Oklahoma she began elementary school then moving to Howell, Michigan; finally, completing High School in Newbern, TN. She has an AS degree in Mathematics from Volunteer State Community college in Gallatin, TN and a Medical Secretary diploma from Medvance Institute.

Director of Early Childhood Center

Melissa Brock

Melissa graduated with a B.S. in Early Childhood Education from Tennessee Tech University. She has worked in Childcare and Education since 1996 with a short break to raise four children.

Melissa is dedicated to her family and her profession. On her free time away from the ECC she spends time with her grown children or other families with children.